
Introducing: 'Drew' by BeShe

"I have been lemming this unit for about a year, possibly longer!   I am really pleased to be able to finally review my very own BeShe Drew unit!"

The picture above was taken last week and Drew and I have become very well acquainted with one another.  She is very easy to wear and I love the way she has the ability to instantly transform a look and an outfit.

Brand: Beshe
Unit Name: Drew
Colour: 1B
Type: Synthetic Lace front
Texture: Tight curls
Price: �23 + �15 shipping
From: My Beauty Q (purchased from Ebay)

This is how the unit comes packaged.

Cap Construction
The wefts of hair are securely stitched to a traditional cap with a lace front. The lace is not soft and is comparable to other lace front wigs available in local beauty supply stores.

Drew is equipped with adjustable straps in the back and she also has three combs, one in the back and two at the front. I choose not to use the combs in wigs as I feel they have the potential to damage my hair.   Besides, my head is massive so I find that they tend to fit snuggly and securely without the need for using the combs. I like to remove them using a seam ripper which only takes a matter of seconds and doesn�t affect the construction of the unit itself.

Drew has approximately two inches of  parting room on the lace front which can be parted anwhere or not at all if you prefer.  I tend to opt for either a centre or side parting and the unit is able to accommodate either of these options with ease.

Image showing showing how the unit is packaged, the hairline of the lace and the combs within the cap.

So, without further ado, here are a few photos of me wearing Drew straight out of the box with the lace still attached�..

At this stage I did nothing whatsoever to Drew, I just pulled her out of the packaging and put her on.  I then promptly fell in love with her!

Then, after cutting off the lace and fluffing Drew out a little.....

The lace can be worn on the hairline or pushed back slightly with a little of my hair covering the lace.  To be honest, I tend not to wear any heair out as the hair in the front falls forward sufficiently to cover the lace.

The texture of Drew is great, she has tight curls in the middle of the unit, softer curls towards the back and a looser curl pattern at the front of the unit.  This makes the unit seem very lifelike as it mimics the way that natural hair tends to have a variety of curl patterns all on one head.

My Thoughts on Drew
This is an amazing unit and for the price Drew is a complete steal!  The cap of Drew fits me perfectly and the synthethic hair looks better and better the more I wear her and fluff her out. I don't think she looks synthetic at all!

Every time I wear Drew I am reminded how much she looks like my beloved crochet braids. However, I love the ease of being able to get my favourite style but with very minimal effort, especially when I think about the number of hours I would have to spend stood in the bathroom cornrowing my hair then installing the extension hair! 5 hours vs less than 5 minutes is a no brainer for me!

Drew feels very light, not as light as a full lace human hair unit but definitely light considering the amount of hair used to make this unit.  The hair is soft, doesn�t shed and so far I've experienced no tangles.

I have worn Drew about 5 or 6 times in the 7 months that I have had her, as I don't want to get her dirty.  My concerns are that as she is a synthetic unit, washing Drew might be an issue as it may cause tangles. I do not add product to the hair and if I have to wash her, I will concentrate my efforts on washing the the cap as opposed to the hair to reduce the possibility of those dreaded tangles.

I do wish that Drew was a little longer but what she lacks in length she more than makes up for in volume, she is a BIG girl!  I also wish she was 100% human hair so washing her would be eaiser and I could experiment with adding produt to her.

All in all, I am over the moon with this unit.  I actually plan to purchase another 3 units! I will get another 1B a 2 and maybe even a 4. 

These pictures were taken in natural daylight with no flash to show the true luster of Drew.  She is not shiny and looks incredibly natural in my opinion.

This unit was purchased with my own money and has not been provided by any company for review.  The views expressed are mnine and based on my initial thoughts and after having the unit for 6+ monhts.

Ciao 4 Now

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