
Minoxidil increased my beard growth

So I’ve been on finasteride for about 3 years and it’s been great, I also just had a hair transplant about 2 months ago. I started oral min...


I can’t decide: A Hair Transplant or SMP?

I have written extensively on SMP, and it has its limitations: (1) there are significant variable results due to the operator, (2) variable ...


Are most male models on finasteride?

As only 50% of men have genetic balding, that means that 505 of male models probably are not using any drugs to retain their hair from Ba...


This is what my donor scar looked like

This is a typical scar healing that I see in many of my patients when I do a strip surgery.  These are my pictures (left) 17 days out of sur...


Telogen effluvium or genetic hair loss in young man?

I saw two different dermatologists. The first just ran her fingers through my hair and said I had alopecia. She recommended minoxidil topic...


Does exercise cause hair loss?

In the past year, I underwent a hair transplant and have consistently used 1mg finasteride along with 1ml topical minoxidil twice daily. Th...


3 months on minoxidil alone (photo)

Remarkable result.  This photo clearly shows that minoxidil can be very effective at reversing significant recession on its own.  from ...


I had a hair transplant 4 years ago (photo)

It changed my life! from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info


Finasteride and minoxidil 6 months (photos)

This is the type of early response one hopes for when taking these two drugs. Your hair is coming back in the corners.  Keep it up, and clea...


Losing short hairs in my crewcut.

Is it normal to lose short hairs if you don’t have MPB If one gets a crew cut, then when the anagen hairs go into telogen, then you will ...

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