Elon Musk Before and After His Hair Transplant (Photo)

A while ago, Men’s Fitness ran an article about men with hair. The article noted there is a perception that men without hair were not as trustworthy as men with hair. This article was written at the time of the primaries for a US presidential election. They noted that, since President Dwight D. Eisenhower, there has never been a bald president.  A while ago, I had a radio program called ‘The Inner Man”, and one of the programs focused on hair loss. I remember a call from the Vice President of marketing of a multi-million dollar company. He called in and said, “I would never hire a balding man because balding men can’t be trusted”. He did tell me that he was the exception to that rule, as he was bald himself.

Looking at Elon Musk, I would then ask: Would you loan this man money to start a business (looking at his 1999 photo)? Of course, we all know that it is not the outside of a man that is important, but the inside of the man. Elon Musk has to be one of the greatest men in the US today, and his new look reflects and matches the outer man with the inner man, a man with a brilliant mind and one of the few 20 and 21st-century geniuses.

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The post Elon Musk Before and After His Hair Transplant (Photo) appeared first on WRassman,M.D. BaldingBlog.

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