My Eyebrow Transplant Sticks up and Grows in Crazy Directions

The single most common problem with eyebrow transplants is that they grow in the wrong direction or stick up, looking unnatural. Eyebrow transplants using scalp hair requires a special skill in identifying the ‘bend’ that is natural in each transplanted hair. So when the hair is put in by the surgical team, the angle at which the hair is deposited should follow the natural curve of the hair.  It also must be put in laying flat and consistent with your natural eyebrow hairs. Too many surgeons without considerable experience can’t seem to get either of these techniques right, and if they don’t, the eyebrow hairs stick out rather than laying flat as they should.  In your case, the darker hair and a slightly bushier eyebrow might help you frame your face, but of course it is your call as to what you want to look like.

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