Statistics on Balding Men Who Seek Treatment (From Reddit and the 2010 Census)

I am not surprised about these numbers. Most men deny their balding, and I believe that almost all men care about it and would prefer to have hair. You can see the embarrassment of Donald Trump about the facts that he takes Finasteride, and this is not an unusual issue for being embarrassed. Men, unlike women, don’t like to recognize that they are vain. Accepting that they are going to treat their hair loss makes men uncomfortable. Assuming that these statistics are real (they seem too low to me, but may be correct), the number of men who seek hair transplants is probably 2% of the 5% who actually get proactive. There were ~160,000 hair transplants in the US in 2016. Considering that hair loss is present in 50% of men over 45, and probably 30-40% of men over 25, and considering that the number of men between 25-44 years of age are 49 million, 44-54 years of age are 30 million, and 54+ are about 32 million as of the 2010 census, there are a total of roughly 133 million men in these brackets in the US, half of which have male pattern balding at some level. Considering that there were only about 165,000 hair transplants in the US, that means that only about 0.00124 % of men has had a hair transplant in 2016.

Only 5% of balding men see a doctor about it and a minority of them (28% of the 5%) try to treat it. from tressless

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