Bald Spot Since Childhood, Now in My 50s

 I was born in 1959 with a bald spot on the upper left scalp. It has never changed. My mother checked out a wig when I was a child, but that was no real solution. Never looked into it further. I part it to the right, and usually pull some back to cover it. At times, I do envy those who can just leave their hair without a fuss or worry about the wind separating it and having my bald spot showing, or having trendy haircuts and styles. I wish there was an easy way to have what’s left of my life without it. However, I keep hearing my mother’s words, saying “God made you special for a reason”. My final thought – embrace it… learn how to fix your hair to make you feel more comfortable, and if anyone is that critical, ignorant, or shallow over something you had no control over, they are not worth your time of day, people. Now that I have lost hair as I got older, it is harder to cover that bald spot. Can I get it fixed with a hair transplant?

For those who read this blog, hair transplants are commonly performed to fix these types of bald spots if they bother you very much.

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