Is 5000 Grafts a Bargain for $2860 Us (From Reddit)?

Too Good To Be True? 5000 Follicles For 2680 Usd. AEK Hair Clinic Turkey. Dr. Dr. Ali Emre Karadeniz from tressless

This is certainly a bargain as no US doctor could match this price.  What I would ask is the following: (1) is this really 5000 grafts or 5000 hairs (each graft could contain 1-5 hairs), (2) What is your donor density, and can your donor density support 5000 grafts without being see-through and resulting in a depletion of your donor area (most normal people can’t support 5000 grafts without going bald in their donor area), (3) have you met with other patients who had this done (not seeing pictures but actually meeting other patients to see that they didn’t develop a bald donor area)?  There is an old saying – “You get what you pay for” – so I would be skeptical.

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