Very sick and on Losartin – Loosing my hair

In September I had a virus that closed my throat,or at least that’s what they thought happened.I was intubated for 22 days,in the hospital for 30 days total.I was put on blood pressure meds Amlodipine 10 mg and Losartan Potassium 50mg.I always had really thick curly hair,about 3 weeks after I got home I noticed a lot of hair on my pillow and after showering it looked like Bigfoot had been in there.Now I can’t even put it in a ponytail,what’s left of it is straight and stragglier My doctor said that hair loss isn’t a side effect but i looked it up and have read hundreds of the same stories.She told me that any kind of trauma will cause temporary hair loss and won’t change my meds,wants me to go to a dermatologist.My insurance sucks and I don’t really have the money to pay for a specialist.Anyone know if this is true or of any bp meds that don’t cause this?

Between your protracted and traumatic illness and the various medications you were on, it is impossible to point to any single cause of your hair loss. Although Losartin is known to have rare hair loss side effects, I think that the long term stress you went through is as much a cause of your hair loss than any single medication.  By the end of a year, you might see improvement.  Good luck.

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