Newb here. Thinking of getting a hair transplant and needed advice (From

1- At 28 years of age, you are certainly old enough to get a hair transplant. If you are really a Class 2, then that might mean that you are not balding but have a developing maturing hairline, so a good picture will go along way for me to see what is really going on. If you want to send me photos, show me a front and side view with your eyebrows lifted high so I can see where the hairline belong anatomically. (send photos to
2- I think that trying a few hair transplant is nuts. That like being a little bit pregnant, Once you have an anesthetic for a hair transplant regardless or size, the transplant will accelerate the hair loss you may be having now. You will not have to shave your head for the hair transplant procedure. 
3- At 38, the use of medications like finasteride (Propecia) is something you would want to speak with your doctor about. People undergoing hair loss at the time of the transplant would be better on finasteride to prevent a shock loss from occurring.
4- Once the transplant is done, it is done. Follow-ups are more for you and your doctor to compare each of your expectations. A well done hair transplant does not require followup unless there are complications.
5- A hair transplant requires the doctor to start up an operating room, break open supplies and instruments and mobilize staff. That is the expense even if I dod 10 grafts, that expense is fixed and ties to the length of the surgery after the start-up costs.

Newb here. Thinking of getting a hair transplant and needed advice from tressless

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