How to Find the Best FUE Doctor in North America? (From Reddit)
Hi there, my question is as above. I have been lurking/debating a transplant for a few years now. I am getting back into researching who is out there now as this year I have more of the means to acquire one. In your opinion who would be among the best for FUE in North America currently? I remember Rahal for example being a big name a few years ago but unsure now. Thanks!
Today, many doctors have learned to do FUE very well. The key to finding a good doctor is to find a doctor who cares about you, is willing to show you patients of his or hers and allow you to meet them so you can see, first hand, what the quality that he or she is so proud of and really looks like. I have monthly open house events where former patients come in to meet with new people who have never seen a hair transplant patient and have an opportunity to speak one-on-one with a former patient. We also allow prospects to come into the operating room (with mask on) to observe a surgery. I wrote the first article ever on FUE and started the FUE movement; however, despite these credentials, I tell my patients to judge the doctor not only on their technical ability, but how they treat you and their former patients.
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