Bad Surgical Planning (Photos)

They say a picture is worth 1000 words, clearly that is the case here. The surgeon’s plan was faulty from the start, transplanting only the first 2 inches of the hairline from an FUE harvest and leaving the area behind it bald.  After 8 months, the plan nevertheless failed, because the grafts failed to grow.  If the surgery would have succeeded, this poor man would have a bald patch between the transplants and the hair behind it.  What the surgeon should have done was either spread out the recipient grafts to cover the entire frontal area that was devoid of hair producing a thinner look, or he should have increased the number of FUE grafts transplanted into the front and top.  No person should be left looking like a half finished hair transplant job as this man would have looked like had the surgery succeeded.  His doctor was clearly more oblivious to the realities of the transplant technique than this patient believed. Now he has lost about 2000 of his donor follicular units forever (possibly 1/3rd of his supply), and has a failed transplant in the front that he has to live with.

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from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info
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