A Question About Diffuse Miniaturization

I own a digital microscope and while there is miniaturization in the donor zone it’s not past the 20% threshold, yet at least, I would think the current pattern tends to point towards diffuse patterned alopecia. If I can bother you again, what I do want to know since information is somewhat scarce on the internet, is if there are any other causes, besides DHT, that would cause diffuse miniaturization of hair follicles? (deficiency, thyroid, allergy, mold exposure, a disease of some sort, etc.) I know most of these usually present as telogen effluvium though. Essentially, what I’m desperate to know is if miniaturization means you 100% have DHT sensitivity? I’m ready to start finasteride, but want absolute confirmation that’s what I’m dealing with before I mess with my hormones at 19. Thank you for your time.

Everyone one has less than 20% miniaturization which is normal. Each person will lose and replace up to 100 hairs per day. you have listed the many causes of diffuse thinning so check each one out with blood tests as needed, best through a doctor’s office

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info http://bit.ly/2USIWRW
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