15 year old loss ‘all of his hair’ from extreme diet (from Reddit)
Unique story. I would have to see photos and even better examine you. The diagnosis does not seem right to me and that is why I would need to know a lot more about you to help. Assuming that this is acceleration of male patterned balding, one option is Scalp Micropigmentation which will make your head look like a full head of hair that you shaved. This can be done and if the hair loss can be reversed, there is no downside that I know of. Here is a photo of a young man who lost all of his hair from Alopecia Totalis (an autoimmune disease that killed off all of his hair:https://scalpmicropigmentation.com/bold-shaved-look/#!https://scalpmicropigmentation.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/scalp_micropigmentation-new_hair_institute-147-bold_shaved_look.jpg (his eyebrows are wigs)
William Rassman, M.D.
15 y/o son lost forty pounds and half his hair. Doctor said his weight loss “triggered” mpb. from tressless
from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info http://bit.ly/2LAMkfN