How stem cells make hair, teeth, glands and other organs (Schematic Diagram)
It should be clear from this schematic that to make a single hair, requires the use of epithelial stem cells with a lot of coaxing (click to enlarge).
Functional ectodermal organ regeneration as the next generation of organ replacement therapy, Etsuko Ikeda, Miho Ogawa, Makoto Takeo, Takashi Tsuji Published:06 March 2019
Author’s Conclusion about Hair: “Because hair follicle stem cells are the only adult stem cells possessing organ-inductive potential that can be transplanted autogenously, the first human clinical trial of organ regenerative therapy will undoubtedly investigate hair follicle regeneration. The regeneration of hair follicles using our organ germ method is now being investigated in a pre-clinical study to cure patients suffering from androgenic alopecia, with an aim of conducting clinical trials in 2020. This hair follicle regenerative therapy will be a milestone in organ regenerative therapies and will lead to the development of material and responsive infrastructure to realize organ regenerative medicine. Applying knowledge of hair follicle regeneration and expertise obtained from clinical trials to other organ germs or organoids will enable the regeneration of other organs from pluripotent and tissue stem cells in combination with organoid technologies in the next few decades.”
from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info