Is the reason for doing FUE that it does not produce alopcia in the donor area?

From my brief research, FUE results seem to vary, but I wonder how common dissatisfaction with the results is. Has anybody had the procedure and downright regrets it? I remember reading something once where the guy was sorry to have had it as it left him with bad scars (and yes, it was FUE) and he was continuing to lose his hair anyway. I was under the impression that FUE leaves barely noticeable scars, as seen here:, I thought the transplanted hair is supposed to last and not be subject to ongoing MPB, even without finasteride.

Bakcground: I’m rapidly heading for NW 6. I tried cropping it short, but I look horrible and the contrast between my pale skin and dense dark hair is making my horse shoe stick out bad no matter what I do. So I’m considering FUE at this point, though with the extent of my hair loss it’s questionable what can be done. I wouldn’t mind keeping my hair buzzed as long as FUE added some density without obvious scarring. What I hate is that sharp line dividing the remaining hairline from bald areas.

The word alopecia means hair loss. When the donor area is Over-harvested such that too much hair is taken from it, then it becomes thinner the more hair that is taken. In some people, the thinning is severe enough to produce a bald donor area. As the inventor of the FUE (see here:, I have always cautioned that) the FUE has a limit for each person and that limit is determined by the density of the donor area (I have defined this limit here:

When it is done within these limits, the results are as you have shown in the link you provided above and undetectable; however, when it is Over-harvested the results may look like this collection of patients I have accumulated who unfortunately fell in the hands of unscrupulous doctors or clinics, many from Turkey (

We love performing FUE but we also know its limits. As a buyer, you must know these limits and find a doctor who is highly ethical and knows the FUE limits as well.

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info

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