I had one bout of Alopecia Areata and I have DUPA now, can I have a Hair Transplant?

I had one small spot of alopecia areata on the back of my head 3 years ago at 32 years old, it resolved with a steroid shot. I do have it on my face and it resolves periodically without treatment. Right now I have DPA but almost my hair is intact, just generally thin throughout the NW6 pattern. Can’t tolerate fin.

DUPA, if properly diagnoses, is a contraindication for hair transplants as the hairs are highly miniaturized and may not grow when moved to the balding areas. AA is also a contraindication for hair transplants because a hair transplant can reactivate the disease. Think more about Scalp Micropigmentation (https://scalpmicropigmentation.com/bold-shaved-look/) which is a great solution for both of your problems

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info http://bit.ly/2wO3UTm
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