
New Study on PRP, does this change your mind?


The paper is interesting. Many people pre test platelet counts and then do platelet counts on the PRP obtained after it is spun down. If one were to take an average of perhaps 130cc of blood and spin it down, they would wind up with usually 6 or so cc of PRP. Platelet counts are usually 4-8 times the original platelet count. Sometimes maybe as high 10x the platelet count. These numbers may not correlate. I would want to know how many cc of prp did they get and did they dilute that with each patient. It is not clear why they compared different platelet concentrations for hair growth from the data presented here as these conclusions are not statistically significant based upon the data collected. There are no controls used in this study which by itself, disclaims many of the validity of the claims. I still remain skeptical

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info http://bit.ly/2KMmBz5
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