Questions about hair transplants

I keep coming across mixed answers online, so I thought it would be better to post here.

  • If we are able to extract and culture to multiply follicles, could FUT scars be restored? Could the smaller FUE follicle based scars be restored too?

  • I get that growth cycles of hair across the body are different, but if body hair has slower growth than head hair, what is the point of those procedures that transplant body hair to the face (beard) or other places?

  • Does hair loss stop at some point? I get that older men retain what they have left, but couldn’t someone on finasteride just keep taking it to maintain until hair loss stops?

  • Has anyone confirmed how it happens? I’ve noticed recession of the left side of my hairline with very mild on the right. My dad is bald, but no one else from his siblings or my mom’s siblings. My diet isn’t the best these days, and I noticed a bit of hair gone at once from the left hairline one day in July 2018. Before that, nothing. Since then, I notice the rest of recession after showering. I don’t use sulfate-containing shampoos as my hair gets really dry.

  • My UK doctor (general practitioner) said he can’t prescribe me finasteride when I initially asked for it, as it was “blacklisted” on the NHS and that it won’t do much to help me. Should I just buy finasteride anyway? Dr. Fox Online Pharmacy was recommended to me before.


Forget hair follicle multiplication as there is nothing on the horizon other than a few scummy doctors offering it for $$. You are correct about body hair, it grows for only a period of no more than 8 months when it cycles another 8 months and disappears so it is not good for hair transplants. Hair loss is progressive though a man’s life, but it slows down usually at about 35. You can take after your fathers or mothers side of the family. The choice is your about taking finasteride, it works to slow, stop and sometimes reverse hair loss with a risk of sexual side effects at about 2-4%.

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info
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