Getting a hair transplant in your late 20s, what to know!
I’m getting an FUT procedure done next week. I’m excited and a little nervous. I’m 29. Still have some hair left on top of head. But my temples are completely bald. Can someone share their experience?
Was it worth the effort and money?
After how long did you see the results?
Any shock loss of existing hair? Did it come back?
Anything else I need to be aware of?
I believe that every man must develop a Master Plan when they start their hair loss, particularly when they start doing a hair transplant because hair loss is progressive and it may, depending upon your balding pattern, keep going if you inherited a Class 7 pattern (the most extreme pattern as this man did: ). It is so important that the doctor that you bond with, cares about you and not the size of your bank account. In the example here, I donated the last half of his hair transplants at no charge in exchange for him helping me educate some of my patients, We both got a good deal and he kept his hair for his entire life. I also did his father and his brother and all of his balding friends.
from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info