Interesting and unusual persistent frontal juvenile hairline (photo)
This is a highly unusual persistent frontal juvenile hairline with balding behind it on the left and a patient with parts of his juvenile hairline on the right. The surgeon who saw this patient suggested that his lower remnant hairline be removed with a laser and the new hairline be placed where he drew it on the man’s head on the left. The patient on the right, had his hairline created about 1 inch above the remnants of his juvenile hairline. I do not agree with this strategy. I would transplant the entire head, retaining the juvenile hairline and restoring the sides which are missing on the left and filling in the missing hairline on the patient on the right. I would transplant behind it. These men had a look which has always been with a low hairline and they would most likely want to retain their original look. Doing laser removal will not work 100% so these man will end up having a half dozen laser procedures over a year to get out maybe 95% of these frontal hairs, not a good decision.
from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info