When is surgery a good time to do a hair transplant for a 27 year old male?

I’m a 27-year-old white male with a receding hairline. I’m afraid of finasteride sides, so I’m interested in having hair from elsewhere on my head put into the forehead area. However, will I just keep losing hair further up where it wasn’t implanted. And I read the hair loss should be “stable” to do this surgery, what does that mean? Thanks
Men develop a patterned balding and that pattern is set in your genetics and could be just frontal, or crown (like mine was) or almost all over your head. The first thing you need to do is to find a good, honest, doctor who will spend time with you to develop a Master Plan for your hair loss. Make sure that the doctor spend enough time to place your balding into a projected pattern that you might get (something I do often with a HAIRCHECK test – https://newhair.com/baldingblog/haircheck-test-how-it-is-done-video/ ) and a measure of your donor density ( https://newhair.com/baldingblog/i-am-trying-to-find-out-if-i-have-enough-hair-to-be-a-good-candidate-for-a-hair-transplant/ ). You have a limited number of hairs that can be moved around. In the hands of a good, experienced and honest (some only care about money), you should make a Master Plan for the rest of your life. I have been doing this on many men and as a result, my review are great and I feel wonderful as a caring human being.

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info https://ift.tt/2K5JcFR
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