Joe Rogan and Elon Musk
Update May 7, 2020 — Joe Rogan has interviewed Elon Musk yet again. Thought provoking and controversial as expected.
The original 2018 Joe Rogan interview of Elon Musk became the most watched Joe Rogan video ever. Today, they published round 2. I think it was filmed a day or two ago.
Yet again, both of these renowned celebrities regrettably do not talk about how Elon got back his hair. Nor about Joe Rogan’s failed and bad past hair transplant experiences. He has been very open about them in the past. Read the second half of this post for what I mean.
Mr. Musk’s strange choice of his new baby’s name and his anti stay-at-home stance are making the most waves. Other parts of the interview, however, are more interesting.

September 7, 2018
Joe Rogan Interviews Elon Musk: Part 1
- I have mentioned Elon Musk and his hair transplant on this blog in the past. His results have been excellent. The closest that Mr. Musk has come to admitting that he grew back his hair is by crediting the “crown” chakra and magic.
- Joe Rogan has discussed his strip hair transplant regret several times on his popular show in the past. Nowadays, he always shaves his head in spite of the strip scar at the back. He has also talked about his baldness and related insecurities a few times over the years. I am surprised at how much he knows about hair loss medications and about recent improvements in hair transplant technology.
Yesterday, these two extremely well known multi-talented celebrities came together and created their own magic. Well worth spending the 2.5 hours required to finish watching the below embedded video.
Even though they covered numerous subject matters, they very regrettably neglected hair. This video will most likely end up being Mr. Rogan’s most viewed interview ever. And not just because Mr. Musk smokes weed and drinks whiskey on the show.

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