Hair Loss Chat is Restarting

In 2014, I created a hair loss chat for this site. However, the free plugin that I used was not that great. Moreover, after a while, I lost patience in dealing with excessive spam and trying to commit myself to be present on a regular basis.

Recently, one of this blog’s readers encouraged me to create a hair loss chat on Discord. After brief hesitation, I started the chat a week ago and it has been going great so far with no spam. I initially only invited people who emailed me useful intelligent information at least a few times over the years.

I now want to invite other serious people so that we can get at least 50-100 regular participants. If you are interested in joining, please post a comment in this thread under your existing username and hopefully legitimate email address. Thereafter, email me using the same email address and let me know your username and why you want to join the chat. If all seems ok, I will send you an invite link.

Initial preference will be given to those who have made mostly useful comments on this blog in the past.

For the most part, this chat will help people looking to compare their existing hair loss treatment regimens with others and make improvements. I would not recommend joining the chat just to vent or to learn about future hair cloning and hair multiplication related discussions.

The moderation in the hair loss chat will be extremely strict. If anyone posts dozens of emotional comments in a day with nothing useful to say, they may get banned. It is unfair to have intelligent comments move out of the screen view due to one person posting lots of garbage daily and monopolizing the chat window.

If anyone looks like they are there as a hair transplant surgeon representative or are primarily there to promote specific products, they will be banned. If anyone keeps repeating that there will never be a hair loss cure, they will likely get banned. Any excessive cursing or insulting of other chat participants (or even doctors and surgeons) will be grounds for being booted. Any excessive political or religious discussions will also be frowned upon.

Of course 100 percent scientific discussions can get dull and dissuade those who are not interested in chemistry and biology. So I will give some leeway for off-topic comments, at least in the general chat section/channel.

In all likelihood, I will soon hand over moderating duties to a regular chat participant. I will rarely have more than a few hours a week of time to monitor the chat.

In chats on Discord, you can break things into channels to separate key subjects of interest. Among the hair loss related subjects that most interest me at present include:

Please do not be disappointed if you are not invited immediately, I want to be selective initially and see how it goes. I do not want to waste my time again by accepting spammer applicants and trolls.

October 31, 2014 — Hair Loss Chat

I recently installed chat functionality on this site. See hair loss chat for more details. I initially allowed anyone to post, but due to spam, you now have to register. If popular, I might pay to get a better chat on the site in the future. The current one is based on a free plug-in.

Also, if people are keen, I can arrange a once a week fixed chat time when many people show up at the same time. I cannot promise to be there each time. Please post recommendations on the time and day when you prefer to chat under the comments to this post. Try to post Eastern US time preferences to keep things easy for me.  I am located in the Pacific US time zone.

The post Hair Loss Chat is Restarting appeared first on Hair Loss Cure 2020.

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