Sex drive went up on finasteride

I’m 31 and noticed hair loss at 30 which was horribly shocking for me, found tressless and got on fin without hesitation. I’ve had a crazy time on finasteride, pushed through more sides than I’m sure most would, developed gyno althought you can’t really tell to look at me and I have pretty low body fat so you should be able to see it but my nipples are puffy and I’ve developed a hard mass. My libido is through the roof and I think my erection quality is actually better than before strangely. I’ve got high test tho which explains all my sides.

You should see a doctor if you believe that there is a breast mass to get it confirmed and diagnosed. Finasteride almost always works to slow, stop or reverse the hair loss. You can’t see it slow the loss of course and that is the problem. I don’t know why your sex drive increased but I have seen it in some of my other patients, even my son reported that side effect and his girlfriend was happy about it. If you stop the medication, the breast mass (if that is what it is) may persist.

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info
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