Combining finasteride and dutasteride

I’m about soon to reach two years of Finasteride (1.25 mg per day) usage. My hair loss has continued and I now have a diffused crown, which I did not have when I started the treatment.
I’m gonna reach out to my doctor and ask for a prescription of Dutasteride.
It would be great if someone with more experience than me could introduce me on how to add Dutasteride to my daily intake of Finasteride. Should I give up on Finasteride completely once I start taking Dutasteride? I was reading somewhere that a good start is to take Dutasteride once per week and then take Finasteride the rest of the week.

Let’s keep the discussion to just Finasteride and Dutasteride. I have used the 3-big, a lot of supplements, oils, thyroid function test, PRP etc etc. Nothing has really worked for me to stop the hair loss.

If you are going to take dustasteride, then there is no need for finasteride.  Dutasteride does the same job as finasteride for hair loss

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info

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