
Finasteride shed at 3 months

Recently I’ve been shedding a lot of these really fine, almost invisible hairs, as well as some normal looking ones and others with different textures than my natural hair. I’ve been shedding for at least a few weeks, and the shedding has kinda increased in intensity over time. I’ve been on 1.25 mg finasteride daily for 3 months and I’m definitely below baseline, so that kinda sucks. I went to a dermatologist a month or so ago and got diagnosed with MPB, Telogen effluvium, and Seborrheic dermatitis.

For treatment, I’ve been doing prescription Ketoconazole 2% shampoo 1x week, Free & Clear Anti-Dandruff Shampoo (has Zinc Pyrithione 2%) 1-2x week. I typically shampoo every other day or every 2 days, and on the off days I do nothing or just rinse my hair with cool water. So far the treatment for the dandruff hasn’t really helped, so I don’t know what to do about that.

I also have recently, like in the last few days, started using minoxidil on my temples and hairline because they’ve always been pretty bad, and I don’t want them to recede any farther lol.

So besides all that ,my question is: is prolonged shedding at 2-3 months finasteride, and to go below baseline, normal? I just want it to stabilize at this point lol it’s a rough situation. Maybe I should lower my finasteride dose? It’s hard to tell what’s making the shedding worse because there’s a lot of variables like diet, new medications other than fin., and telogen effluvium (which will go away with time, but I’m around 2-3 months post-op from surgery so I could be getting hit with another wave of it).

Another question: is there anything else I can do at this point? It just feels kinda helpless and bums me out. I don’t have another derm. appointment for a while so I don’t know what to do about the dandruff not going away.

There is no normal for a finasteride shed, but that usually stops in less than 3 months. Your hair loss may be your genetics run wild. You should not reduce your dose and you are correct to go back to see your doctor

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