A man’s experience with finasteride (from Reddit)

“If you’ve been prescribed Finasteride by your doctors but you’re scared to take Finasteride, give this a read.

I am not a Doctor, I am not asking you to start Finasteride. If you’ve been prescribed but are afraid to start and/or want to avoid nocebo read this.


Read this everyday for 2-3 weeks. Basically will be brainwashing yourself from the fears.

Again do not start because of this report. This collation is to help you start if you’re feeling scared despite being prescribed by your Doctor.

People do get sides. The sides are real but only a small percentage get sides. And even if you get sides, you can stop taking Finasteride / lower your dose.

As pointed in the comments

  • I did get some slight sides after 3 months and 15 days of usage. I took a break for 4 days and they all went away.

  • I tapered down the dose and I’m doing absolutely fine ever since. I now take 0.5mg EOD (Every Other Day)

  • I’ve been considering going down the Topical route too.

  • The point of the post is – Some people do get sides but you mostly will not. *If you’ve been prescribed by your Doctor, I want to reduce the fear you have, that’s all.”

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