A New Idea bonding artificial hairs to existing hairs

I am looking for a company that can assist to develop this concept. A rough idea would be to connect 4 strands of hair together with some sort of silicone, using a device would then pin a hole between the 4 hairs and your hair would then slide through holding it and then that would be pushed down to the base of your hair/scalp.

It would need to be minute but surely not impossible. I do think there that is huge place for “hair options” or simply a way to “melt” a strand of hair to your existing hair so make it longer the thicker.

Any help to get this going would be appreciated.

This produces traction alopecia pulling out the hair that you bond to. Single hairs can’t support 3 additional hairs bonded to it. The idea is being done commercially, as I believe Donald Trump has it done on himself with some frequency.

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info https://ift.tt/GQ7sLXj
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