Is hair shedding a requisite for baldness?

I am 20 years old about to turn 21 and I’ve noticed these past few years how my hairline is starting to “recede”, however, contrary to what many people here post, I don’t notice excessive hair shedding (when I shower the amount of hair looks normal, I don’t notice hairs in my pillow etc.)

Could this be a sign of just a “Maturing” hairline? Or could it be receding just that hair shed is not very noticeable in early stages?

Usually, balding starts with either recession of the frontal hairline, thinning of the crown or excess hair shedding. Men in their late teens (some up to the age of 29) will evolve their juvenile hairline into a V-Shaped mature hairline without shedding a single hair.

from WRassman,M.D. BaldingBlog
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