Will I develop a Class 7 pattern

So it started at 20 for me so does that mean it will be more severe than balding of a person who started at 30? Am I more likely to end up at NW7 at a young age?  My uncle and grandpa on my mom’s side were completely bald by 30. I started getting temple recession when I was 21 (I was NW2)… I was losing a ton of hair in college. I’m 35 now and still about NW2 or NW2.5. I didn’t do any treatment until like 4 months ago when I started messing around with topical fin microdosing and min. I also haven’t seen any difference in my hair since starting these treatments 4 months ago. Just kind of stuck with mostly a full head of hair with no decline or progress almost 15 years later.

With a family history like you reported, the possibility that you will follow it reduces if you pass 30 without significant balding.  Most Class 7 men develop that pattern or are heading to that pattern by the time they are 26 year old. At 33, it is now unlikely that you will follow your forbearers path.

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info https://ift.tt/0TBOqnr

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