Vitamin D deficiency is common cause of hair loss

I’ve been having hair loss and thinning for the past three years. I’ve taken minoxidil for a year and it didn’t really work.  Some 4 months ago I got some blood work done and my vitamin D levels were low as well as my iron levels were too high. I was prescribed 50,000 IU vitamin D pill to take once a week for two months. I had amazing results in about 2 to 3 weeks. By the end of the two months, my hair was a lot fuller. Unfortunately once I was off those pills my hair started to thin and fall out. Not at the rate as before (hair on the pillow while I was sleeping, etc.) but 10-15 stands of hair while I wash my hair. I’m pretty bummed out about this. The doctor did tell me to maintain it with 1000 IU. But it hasn’t been helping. So I up my dosage to a higher safe level dosage of 4000 IU. It’s been about two weeks since I’ve been off of the 50,000 IU. At this rate, I’m not sure if it was the vitamin D level being the underlying issue of my hair thinning.

I have little doubt that many men or Vitamin D deficient makes hair loss worse. It is easy to take a Vitamin D capsule once a day to solve the problem. 50,000 IUs are a bit too high. Try to take 5000 every other day and that should build up your Vitamin D levels. Keep on that routine for life. I take 5000 IU every other day.

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info
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