2700 grafts in early 20s male

The transplant looks good; however, I am concerned about your Master Plan for long term management of your overall look. If you are in your early 20s, then I generally don’t believe it should be done. Let’s take a objective look. 2700 grafts in the first 2 inches with a high probability that you will eventually develop a Class 6 of worst case Class 7 pattern of balding. I would have calculated your total donor supply. Assuming that you are an average Caucasian, 2700 grafts reflects possibly 33-40% of your total donor supply. How are you going to manage the rest of the balding? Beard hair becomes an option when you run out of scalp hair. Other body hair is not an practical option. You can reach out to me at williamrassman33@gmail.com and I would be happy to show you how to calculate your remaining donor supply.

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info https://ift.tt/YpJ5cCR
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