Man taking finasteride with pregnant wife

Hi Dr Wrassman,

I’ve consulted with you via email before. Wanted to reach out once here before making an appointment.

My wife got accidentally pregnant while on 1mg Finasteride. I read various conflicting reports, my dermatologist here in San Jose, CA says it should be fine but that I should keep the medication away from her going forward. Wanted to check with you to see what you recommend? Should we go the abortion route and try to conceive once I’ve stopped taking the medication? Appreciate your reply.


I suspect that tens of thousands of men have gotten their wives pregnant while on finasteride. The drug company reported that taking finasteride while you wife is pregnant doesn’t pose an increased risk to the baby. A Google Search produced the following:

Is PROPECIA safe when trying to conceive?
A: It is OK for you to continue finasteride while your wife is trying to conceive. However, there is some data to suggest that it may slightly decrease fertility since, by shrinking the prostate (the prostate produces 25-30% of semen volume) it slightly changes the overall composition of semen.Sep 21, 2012

Can you have kids if you take finasteride?
Many men have fathered healthy children while using finasteride. At the present time, there is no evidence whatsoever that the children (either sons or daughters) of men taking finasteride have a higher risk of birth defects. However, finasteride may lower sperm counts and cause temporary infertility in some men.Dec 14, 2015

Finasteride and Fertility – Bernstein Medical › answers › finasterid…
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