Trial held in Switzerland for two nurses illegally doing hair transplants

Nurses on trail for performing hair transplants in Zurich.  In a hair transplant practice in Zurich, transplants were performed by unqualified personnel from Turkey. The two women must now answer to the Zurich District Court.

The dream of a full head of hair has turned into a nightmare for some men in Zurich. In practice in Bahnhofstrasse, hair transplants were performed by unqualified personnel from Turkey. 

The practice for hair transplant was in a prime location: the men who wanted full hair again were treated right next to Zurich’s main train station. 

The men were found shaking on a small table in a makeshift operating room facility, having surgery with both sterile and non-sterile equipment. They paid the ladies 2300 frans. 

The two women were sentenced to jail. Three others were also charged, including those who helped these ladies set up the hair transplant practice.  


Dr. Rassman’s Comments:  This type of activity goes on even in the US as more and more technicians are now setting up a hair transplant facility and either have no doctor or find a “duped” doctor to be present.  Beware of such clinics.  Illegal clinics are appearing in almost every country in the world. I was in Dehli earlier this year, and the Indian doctors were telling me that there are more illegal clinics than legal ones throughout the country, even though it is illegal there.  Death is a real risk from overdoses of medications used for the hair transplant by someone who doesn’t have the training to know the limits of these medications. 

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