An atypical case of DUPA (photos)
This astute 23-year-old male examined his donor area through a hand microscope purchased from Amazon after reading some advice I gave on Reddit. He was suspicious about having DUpA based on his view of his donor area, so he sent them on to me for an opinion. Both Dr. Bernstein and I believe that this is a case of DUPA. Not that the dark thick hairs are normal terminal hairs, while most of the other hairs have a smaller diameter, some are even thinner than the rest. These thin hairs are miniaturized. I can’t say how long they will survive in the donor area, but I suspect his progression will be slow. If he were to use it for a hair transplant by a doctor who is ignorant on what DUPA looks like, his hair transplant likely will fail, and the shock to the donor area could accelerate the disappearance of hair there (I am speculating). CLICK TO ENLARGE
from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info