Three questions about balding and transplants
1) In a previous email, you stated that you’ve removed a strip of skin/scar from elsewhere on the scalp aside from the usual donor area and extracted grafts from it; we had been talking about the temporal region since I had a scar there with grafts placed into it. Strips that are removed from the temporal region, do they typically heal well with minimal scaring?2) If grafts from a second procedure were placed on top of grafts that have yet to surface from a previous procedure, what will happen?3) People with diffuse patterned alopecia, do they eventually lose all the hair in the areas that they are thinning and end up with a slick bald scalp? Or does the hair remain but just is thin?
1- Grafts placed into a scar often have a lower survival than grafts placed into normal skin
2- If a graft was placed exactly on top of the stem cell from a transplanted graft that had not grown yet, it will still grow as well as the original graft, possibly very close together
3- Diffuse patterns of balding may remain, thin further, or go completely bald based upon the cause of the balding process
from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info