Pubic hair for donor and recipient sites

In one of your posts on the blog you said you’ve done pubic hair to scalp transplants in a patient(s) before. This certainly isn’t to undermine any work done but wouldn’t a person have a bizarre appearance with pubes growing out of their head? And how well do they survive on the scalp since they are hairs with apocrine glands?
It works provided that it is not put up front and it was mixed with donor hair from the scalp. It has considerable blunk and can be hidden in the top or crown when placed appropriately. More times, however, the hair would be transplanted to the pubic area in many women who didn’t have hair there.  I find it interesting that if they have hair, they shave it off, but it they don’t have public hair, they may want a transplant to have it.  

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info
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