Working with Twins

My hairline has both started thinning and receding; I’m probably a Norwood 2/2.5. He shows no signs of receding / thinning. I wonder what sort of things could cause this?

I’d say we live pretty identical lives in terms of activity/diet / don’t smoke / medications, nothing crazily out of proportion. So I wonder what the difference in us could be. I will say as well I’ve had a full chest of hair for 3+ years, whereas his is still pretty bare – I was under the assumption that had something to do with DHT. I wonder if there is something I’m missing, like a specific lifestyle choice or an overlooked common day to day activity, which could perhaps provide me with different hormone levels? I know we all age differently blah blah, but I wonder if something like this could be narrowed down to something specific, like a as we are genetically identical twins.


Stress has a lot to do with precipitating hair loss. You both probably handle it differently. He will probably see the same changes, possibly just later than you. I have worked with twins in hair transplant. Wayt back, I had identical twins who were remarkably different; one was a landscaper and the other a computer geek. The computer geek wore a hair system and pulled out a lot of his hair, only to find his brother making fun of him. I did hair transplants on twins about two years ago, and I was challenged to make the EXACTLY the same. I succeeded. I couldn’t tell from the other before or after the transplant grew. I will tell you that it produced some anxiety on my side, artistically making them both identical.

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