Are Scalp Micropigmentation and Nanopigmentation the same technique?

A dog is a dog no matter what you call it. Many names have been developed for this technique for marketing purposes. Our group originally named it Scalp Micropigmentation as my group was the first to do it for clinical cases like surgeries, various scalp diseases, scars, etc. I always publish the things I do and have published many articles on Scalp Micropigmentation. I have lectured on it at many meetings worldwide, even last January in India. This is essentially a tattoo that appears like cut hairs on the scalp. To mimic the cut hairs, the dots must be very small, and the ink has to be permanent. The person using it must be artistic because otherwise, the look can be awful. Here are two examples of poorly done SMP: and and
The third link shows some poor victim who had it done by someone clueless. Don’t be a victim; do your research. There are many poor SMP operators out there.

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