Does Finasteride prevent hairloss for life?
Long and short, what I wanted to know was whether your natural balding pattern that is determined by your genetics eventually manifests itself despite finasteride use or not. Hence, I asked, does finasteride just delay the inevitable, or does it continue to work to prevent the progression of hair loss for the duration it is taken?
The research only shows a 10-year progression comparing men on finasteride vs non-finasteride users. A spread between the two suggests that this spread will continue indefinitely. I have seen from my practice that men on finasteride have demonstrated that it works for 25 years because the few who stopped it at the 25-year mark paid the price with more hair loss. This suggests that finasteride slows or stops hair loss for as long as you take it. It is continually working to some degree.
from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info