Failed hair transplant of 5500 grafts, why?

Most failed hair transplants are technical in nature, a team of people working on you without good quality control process in place.  That reflects the surgeon, as the surgeon is Master of the Ship and responsible for what his team should be doing.  I have found many surgeons that don’t understand the nuances of the hair transplant process, Grafts that are removed, can be mishandled, dried, but, crushed, etc..  all of these often kill the hairs.  What is even more disturbing that the failed hair transplant and the lost money to pay for it, is the loss of donor hair, which is not a reversible process.  Depending upon donor density and hair quality (fine, medium or coarse hair thickness), 5500 grafts could be all this man has to transplant, so another transplant may be out of the question.  He needs a real expert to assess his situation.

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info
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