Finasteride growing some areas and not others

You mention regularly that different parts of the scalp have higher and lower probabilities of filling in on consistent Finasteride use, highest going to the crown and lowest going to the temples. I wanted to know, however, from your experience if it happens that one area can improve while another continues to regress. I’ve recently noticed some new hairs around my forelock. I don’t expect the temples to thicken up as quickly, or much, given the data but I would like to know what you think. It doesn’t make much sense that one area improves while another regresses, but I am very curious to know your thoughts given the amount of patients you have seen. 
For context, it’s been about 8 1/2 months since I started and am 32. Noticing any improvement at all the first year seems promising long-term. 
Anyways, let me know what you think if you have a moment.
Finasteride, from my experience and others, shows varying responses in different parts of the scalp, often age-related.  Young men under 25 get better overall responses than older men. In men over 50 good results are often seen in the crown, even when there is no new growth in the frontal hairline. I have seen men over 70 get good hair growth when they were treating their prostate problems; it is a welcome but unintentional benefit.  

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