Is there pain and ugliness after a hair transplant (photo link)

I’m a 31 year old male here. I have been obsessing with getting a transplant for the last 6 months and have read just about everything here on Reddit about it, from the pre/post care, no. of grafts, what to look for in a surgeon, the ugly duckling phase, etc. From my consultation with a few clinics, I am a NW4/5 with a healthy donor area, and approx 4000 grafts will be required for the transplant.

Here is a typical patient’s photo from one day after a hair transplanted by me: The pink color was gone in 2 days, and the FUE sites in most of my patients are healed in 3 days. There should be no pain (98% of my patients say that). You say that you need over 4000 grafts, who told you that? Were there any metrics presented to you, like your lifetime donor supply or the value of your hair mass? If your doctor did not supply you with that information, then the doctor didn’t respect you as it was more about your money than educating you about your future donor supplies.

I recently performed a hair transplant on a well-known litigator He went to a trial hearing just 3 days after his FUE hair transplant. We shaved the back of his head and trimmed it to look stylish. The donor site had healed entirely.  He called me immediately after the hearing because he knew that he had worried about going to court. He told me the judge commented: “Nice HAIR-DO you got there!”  He was relieved and then continued on with the hearing.  Many people were in that court hearing, and he managed his appearance well.

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info
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