Misinformation posted on-line

This graph was posted online. It suggests a long start-up of the graft growth, which is not the case.  This graph is misrepresenting what is happening. The start of growth usually occurs between 2-5 months. When it does, the hair grows at a rate of 1/2 inch per month. I always tell my patients that they can expect styling length hair (at least 1 1/2 inches) by 8 months, if not sooner. The grafts should grow by the 5th month (90%+), maybe not so long, but certainly a beard length initially. The grafts don’t always start at the same time, some might appear at 2 months, more at 3 months, then some a 4 months but by the 5th month, 90% of the grafts will have usually grown out.


from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info https://ift.tt/HlUtye5
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