What is the most hair that can be transplanted?

Im 20 and I been balding since I was 16, I’m on fin and min but I know eventually I will lose it all so I was thinking I’ll probably need more than one transplant in the future. But I was wondering, is it possible to cover your whole scalp with implants assuming I go completely bald in a few years?

I expect that my answer to your question is purely academic. Before you take the hair transplant route, you must qualify with regard to Age (at least 25 years old) and have good health of your scalp and donor area. I expect that you will have male pattern balding. With a healthy donor area, I am assuming that you are an average man with a donor density of 2.2 hairs/mm/square. Based on your question asking ‘What is the maximum amount of hair that can be transplanted?’, I would assume (academically) that your balding would eventually become a Class 7 pattern of balding.

As described above, the donor area in such a person has about 7000-9000 grafts that can be transplanted. That is enough to get good coverage for the most advanced balding pattern. Please consider adding Scalp Micropigmentation to the treatment plan to maximize the fullness. I have followed one patient for over 20 years as he evolved into a Class 7 pattern of balding. He had many surgeries as his balding evolved. This man was very detail-oriented and had to maintain his hairy appearance throughout the balding process without any evidence that he had a hair transplant. He started these surgeries before FUE or SMP was available and was fortunate that his donor supply was higher than an average man’s donor supply. We finished his entire treatment using FUE and SMP to fine-tune his final result. You can see his final result after receiving 11,000 grafts and SMP here: https://baldingblog.com/norwood-class-7-pattern-patient-received-11000-grafts-plus-smp/

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info https://ift.tt/ZMpqmak
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