How do you tell DUPA?
How do you tell if you have DUPA vs Diffused thinning MPB? I’ve searched online, and haven’t really found substantial answers. I have diffused thinning across the top of my scalp, with it being noticeably thinner at my crown. Some hairline recession as well. I got a scalp biopsy done and derm said MPB, but I don’t think he took a close look at the sides and back of my hair. I’ve deff noticed some thinning and hair loss there. Is it over for me? So is the difference of DUPA that you also lose hair in donor area ?
Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA) impacts all of the hair on the head, even the areas around the sides and back of the head. What I do, is count miniaturized hairs in the “donor” area to see if miniaturization exceeds 20%. Some doctors require a higher threshold. Unfortunately, your doctor didn’t biopsy the proper area. Here are some examples of DUPA, early and late stages with explanations on how to make the diagnosis:
- (grossly evident)
- (Early DUPA with subtle changes including depigmentation of hairs)
- (A great view of a Classic case of DUPA)
I hope this helps you understand the DUPA diagnosis. Never get a hair transplant if you have DUPA as the transplant will usually fail at some point in the near future.
from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info