When hair falls out

I started losing my hair at the age of 18 in 2020, as soon as it was noticeable I decided to shave it off with a machine. But last year, in December, I decided to let it grow because I wanted to have it evaluated by a doctor, I let it grow for 4 months. And here is the thing, I realized that my hair was falling out a lot, I was probably losing between 100-200 hairs a day, every time I woke up I could easily see 30 hairs on the pillow, my hair was falling out just by pulling it or passing my hand through my head. I had the appointment and shaved it again, however, I noticed that my hair is no longer falling out and that there is no more hairs on my pillow, so my question is, is it possible for the hair to only fall out when it reaches a certain length? Or is this BS?

Hair has two basic phases for you to recognize.  The first phase is called Anagen, which is the growth phase and starts when a new hair emerges from the scalp.  Usually, for each hair loss, a new one emerges from the scalp. The anagen cycle lasts for different periods of time depending upon age and sex.  Women have longer anagen cycles when they are young. One of my old girlfriends, had hair grow to a length below her waist.  Woman’s anagen cycle can last between 3-5 years on average

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info https://ift.tt/QixtzsE
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