
Question about stopping minoxidil before a hair transplant

I’m 32yr old male who has been using Rogaine 5% for about 8 years. It has been working well to save me from going completely bald, but my hair is definitely not as thick and dense I would like (especially with direct light).

I am planning to get a hair transplant because of that and because I am tired of Rogaine commitment.

My question is: Is it a good idea to stop Rogaine before getting the transplant? I know that hair will go with it, but I want the surgeon to assess the actual state of my hair without Rogaine and maximize the transplant results without Rogaine. Does this sound logical at all?

A skilled surgeon will know what your real hair loss pattern is despite the minoxidil you are taking. I would not stop the minoxidil until after the new hair has grown in because you almost certainly developed minoxidil dependent hair based upon what you told me. If I were your surgeon, I might perform a HAIRCHECK test (https://ift.tt/31Y7w3l) to determine the actual measurable pattern if I had any doubts about what might happen to you after the transplant and the minoxidil is stopped.

from BaldingBlog - Hair Loss Info https://ift.tt/2JetM1p
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