Scalp Expansion

For FUT I know some people have tight scalps and it’s hard to do FUT on them without leaving a wide scar. So kind of a strange question, but I know and have seen some other people who had large burns scars on their scalp or large sections of scalp removed due to cancer. In order to remove the cancer/ scar, close it up properly and make sure there was hair coverage over the area, they put what looked like silicone implants under the scalp; over the course of a couple of months, they filled it with saline to pre-stretch the skin and then took it out so when it came time for the reconstructive surgery, they could stretch the hair covered scalp over to cover the removed area of the scalp without any issues and without leaving a big scar.
So someone with a big balding pattern who would better benefit from the larger graft count that FUT provides, if their scalp is tight, can they first get these silicone implants to stretch the skin before the the FUT strip is taken? Better yet, can a person with balding just get this done to stretch their hair bearing scalp over the bald area without even needing to get transplants?
Scalp expansion with balloon expanders is a procedure commonly performed for injuries of the scalp, burns and other such problems.  The normal scalp can be stretched over time if a balloon is placed under the scalp and slowly expanded.  The expansion process requires a surgical strategy that requires a special type of expertise.  Rather than answer you directly here, I will refer you to other posts on Baldingblog show examples of some patients who came to me with problems requiring balloon expansion or other such cases I became aware of; see here:

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