PRP vs Microneedling, where is the benefit?

I am NW2 and my dermatologist recomended I do PRP after I told her I would not take finasteride. She told me PRP is promising for me since I am relatively young and still have most of my hair. She said PRP is a better hairloss prevention than regrowth method and it would probably keep my balding from getting worse which is more than good enough for me considering I had already come to terms with the fact I will be bald. I don’t care about growing back my hair I’d rather not lose more without subjecting myself to anti androgens if that is a possibility. If it comes down to it I will go bald before I risk my health though. After hearing that PRP might actually save me I was thrilled and filled with hope that I may be able to save my hair without taking drugs. Then my derm sprung it on me that they charge $500-$800 per session. I thought for sure I could find someone to do it cheaper so I called around every doctor office and medical office with 200 miles of my city and every single one charges a minimum $500 per session which is ridiculous considering prp is a relatively easy procedure.
I don’t have that kind of money especially not for something that might not even work.

After doing research on it I have decided to buy the equipment and do it myself. You can buy all the equipment needed for less than $500. I also wanna point out that I am a seasoned EMT so I have some medical experience and I’m used to working in less than ideal conditions. So I have bought a centrifuge and all the needles and vials needed to make the prp the one thing that really bothers me is I could not buy the fda approved PRP vials since I don’t have a medical license to buy them so I instead bought prp vials from eBay but who knows how sanitary they actually are I’m almost certain they are from China. It is because of this concern that I am not really comfortable injecting myself with this PRP but I don’t see any harm in microneedling with it I already have been microneedling with oils and hyralaunix acid so my question to anyone with experience is can I effectively fend off the reaper with a PRP and a .75mm dermaroller? I have all the equipment and I am willing to do it as frequently as possible.

Do you know how crazy it is to buy some concoction from eBay, not knowing its source or its sterility?  This could be dangerous stuff you would be injecting into your body!  I’m not a big fan of PRP as there is no consistent standard on how it is used. I have not seen good, consistent results from PRP in anyone’s hands. The microneeding is the benefit, and considering the costs you outlined above and the risks you might be taking, microneedling yourself is a very small cost by comparison; the proper depth for microneedling is 1.25mm. That will allow the needles to reach the stem cells. The Dr. Pen microneedling device, held for 10 seconds in each area, delivers a known injury that will start the healing cascade that leads to stem cell activation and reversal of hair loss in many men. If you really have a Norwood Class 2 pattern of balding, then why are you doing anything as the Class 2 pattern is not balding, but reflective a mature hairine? You might send me photos at williamrassman33@gmail.

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